Swedish university market dominance
Fixed and editable text quickly
Reliable, accurate OCR
As TorTalk began developing a reading comprehension solution for people who suffer from dyslexia, they discovered that a lot of the text-to-speech products on the market couldn’t process images, PDFs, or any document that did not have editable text. Of all the products tested, Kofax OmniPage SDK and Nuance Vocalizer had the highest rates of accuracy for recognizing, processing, and speaking text. Combining the two would make it possible for TorTalk users to get the most accurate readings. Today, 75 percent of Swedish universities, including Goteborgs Universitet and Uppsala Universitet, use TorTalk for their students.
About Company
Since 2013, Swedish TorTalk AB has been developing powerful speech synthesis programs for schools, colleges and workplaces. Always with users in focus. TorTalk’s users have dyslexia, ADHD and those whobecome more effective at listening to their second language.
Kofax® OmniPage® SDKNuance® Vocalizer SDK
Tungsten TotalAgility
TotalAgility Intelligent Automation Platform accelerates business processes with document intelligence, task automation and process orchestration.
Tungsten RPA
Tungsten RPA technology enables you to automate labor-intensive, multi-step tasks across systems and data sources with no coding.