Compress PDFs Effectively in 3 Simple Steps
Although the average officer worker rarely contemplates the sizes of the files that they generate, the IT team knows all about them. PDFs Files that are too large can take up too much space in storage systems, driving up technology-related costs. They can also cause issues when users try to transfer or send files.
Using the right PDF editing software, such as Tungsten Power PDF, opens the door to file compression options. How can you secure the most effective compression possible?

Power PDF Makes Compact Documents Easy to Generate
Although you only see the progress bar, plenty of things occur behind the scenes when you compress a PDF. Power PDF includes a highly efficient compression algorithm so that even default settings yield a smaller, more lightweight file. It also contains a range of additional options to improve compression.
To be effective in this effort, you should take full advantage of these built-in features:
- Lossless compression. When you want a document's contents to look sharp without a huge file size, lossless compression is your best option. Our advanced algorithm finds the most efficient means of storing PDF data, so you can share scanned images and more without a loss of quality.
- Image quality changes. Our advanced compression options let you adjust the finished results. In some cases, a 1:1 quality comparison between the original and the compressed document is not essential. By sacrificing some sharpness, you can save even more space.
- Low-bandwidth compression options. What if you need to make the smallest PDF possible but preserve the text that the document contains? Compression that removes all images and multimedia files will yield a very lightweight file.
Each of these functions is easy to locate and use within Power PDF's familiar ribbon interface. Here’s how:
- Launch Power PDF and open the file you want to compress.
- Select the Home Tab, then locate the “Reduce” button.
- Select “Reduce current file” to quickly compress data behind the scenes.
- OR, select “Optimize” if you wish to make specific changes to items such as image quality.
It’s that easy.
The Difference Between Compression and Flattening
There is one vital fact to keep in mind when working on making PDFs smaller and more compact: there is a difference between compressing a PDF and "flattening" it.
Sometimes, you may use the two processes one after the other as you prepare a document for submission, archiving, or other purposes. However, flattening a document does little to change the size of the PDF on disk. Instead, it combines edited elements into the PDF to prepare it for printing or sharing. Power PDF includes the functionality for both processes, so be careful not to confuse them.
Explore the Full Functionality of Power PDF Today
With more options for compressing documents to the most compact size possible, Power PDF is a highly functional tool that is ideal for business users ranging from startup workers to the employees of an established enterprise. Easy to learn and cost effective to license, Power PDF delivers rich functionality for the corporate sector without requiring weeks of training or additional costs to support deployment.
To learn more about options for compression within Power PDF, download and explore our 15-day free trial version now. To find out how to license Power PDF for your company or acquire a volume site license, contact Tungsten Automation today.