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Exploring the Azure OpenAI GPT Connector for TotalAgility

An automation revolution is in full swing across virtually every industry. RPA supports streamlining repetitive tasks, while machine learning and artificial intelligence have had broad impacts. Cognitive capture that recognizes documents and information to extract data intelligently is an excellent example of those impacts. However, another AI application has begun transforming business yet again. With the Open AI GPT connector for Tungsten TotalAgility, you can quickly integrate powerful new capabilities into critical workflows.

Generative AI tools, which parse complex inputs and provide diverse outputs, have quickly become game changers. The release of the popular ChatGPT tool to the public sparked a developmental race, and today, many significant players in tech engage heavily in developing AI. However, the technology has many exciting uses available—and you can integrate it directly into TotalAgility to add even more value to your existing automation efforts.

The Rise of Generative AI

Azure OpenAI is Microsoft’s deployment of a specific generative text artificial intelligence, the same technology that underpins the highly popular and well-known ChatGPT. Although ChatGPT became an overnight sensation in both the business world and popular culture, such tools have been actively developing for many years. What kind of functionality will you add by using this rapidly maturing technology?

Like all AI today, ChatGPT-style tools train on vast amounts of text, recognizing patterns, and drawing connections. Generative AI tools interpret inputs in natural language and provide answers in kind using this training. Rather than just being a simple tool, the opportunities for innovation are tremendous—you can do much more than ask questions. With such an AI tool, you can extract information from more extensive data sets, generate information according to precise specifications, and much more.

With that understanding, let’s discuss why setting up a connection to Azure OpenAI inside your automation platform is advisable.

Why Integrate Generative AI Into Automation?

Today’s tools can access impressive knowledge and answer complex questions using “completion.” Using completions, you don’t need to ask a question directly—you can have GPT finish a prompt for you or take directions for action on a subject or data set. Integrating this functionality directly into an automation platform such as TotalAgility opens the door to work that wasn’t easily accessible even a few years ago.

For example, you may need a quick understanding of a given text's sentiments or key points. With the Azure OpenAI connector, you can automate sending unstructured data to the model along with the prompt you might wish to use for each block. You can then analyze its response and take action.

Another reason to choose integration is to provide “in the moment” responses to users interacting with the TotalAgility-powered processes. With a well-trained model, you can deliver targeted customer and user support anytime without direct human intervention. Such efforts result in less friction, higher user satisfaction, and better business outcomes.

Finally, there is always the opportunity to use AI to generate text you need quickly. Ask the model to imagine a conversation between potential customers as you develop buyer persona information, for example. Quickly draft press releases for editing or generate summaries of extensive reports for a quick bite of info for investors.

With GAI incorporated into automated workflows, you can add new layers of creativity and flexibility into previously rigid processes. It all starts in the Tungsten Marketplace.

Getting Started is Simple

Designed by the independent Tungsten Labs, the Azure OpenAI GPT Connector is the simplest way to create workflows incorporating GAI. Available as a free download in the Tungsten Marketplace, your online destination for functionality-extending solutions, adding generative responses is easy. Once you download and install the connector, you can easily add a GAI module to any workflow you define in TotalAgility.

Your business will need an active subscription to Microsoft Azure and the specific OpenAI service offered within Azure to use this connector for developing your own response models. However, you’ll find the public version of the current GPT model included in the connector for free. Once set up, you can call upon GPT’s chat, completions, and data analysis functions wherever they will aid in extending your automation platform’s ROI.

Prompt Writing and Potential Uses

Like any tool, the output you receive from GPT integration depends partly on the quality of the input. Prompting AI isn’t always easy, depending on the complexity of the task, but practice makes perfect. Here are a few essential tips to remember as you integrate GAI intelligent automation tools and design prompts:

• Be precise but detailed and provide context when necessary. • Be specific about desired output whenever possible. • Explain the purpose or goal of your prompt. • Test prompts, analyze responses, and make adjustments as needed.

Training models on your own business data can also provide more bespoke and flexible solutions.

What could you do with GPT integration? The answer will depend on your industry, but some applications have the potential to save knowledge workers hours or even days of labor. For example, many companies in the financial sector have begun using AI tools to support their compliance efforts. For instance, you might use GPT integration to digest information about a job candidate or a business situation and provide a risk analysis. Engage with your teams to learn more about what workflows could benefit.

Keep Your Business on the Cutting Edge With Marketplace Solutions

The future looks bright for generative AI and its widespread embrace across the economy speaks to its revolutionary potential. With the free Open AI GPT Connector for Tungsten TotalAgility, you can engage with that revolution, bringing new competencies to your business today. Free to download, easy to install, and enormous in potential, you can extend the reach of your technology and realize the potential to improve your ROI with this connector today.

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