Implementation models for e-invoicing
As per the E-invoice Guideline, taxpayers falling under the upcoming mandate are obligated to generate and transmit their electronic invoices in XML or JSON format to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM). Following the validation process, the IRBM will return the invoices with a Unique Identifier Number along with a validation link containing QR code data.
As a means to facilitate taxpayers' transition to e-Invoices, IRBM offers two distinct mechanisms for e-invoice transmission:
Web based portal (MyInvois) hosted by IRBM
Suppliers can generate, submit, view, cancel, or reject invoices through this portal. The portal is designed for taxpayers who are unable to issue an e-invoice through their own system.
Application programming Interface (API)
Taxpayers with high invoicing demands can submit e-invoices directly to IRBM by integrating their own ERP system with MyInvois system, or via a technology service provider.
Additionally, e-invoices can be exchanged in prescribed format under Peppol standards. In this case, Peppol Service providers will be responsible for converting the e-invoice format into PINT 1.0 and extracting a sub-set of the e-invoice data to the tax authority for validation. Subsequently, the validated e-invoice will be routed to the right recipient on the Peppol network.
The tax authority has yet to release the API configurations and further technical details regarding invoice rejections.
Kofax has been invited by the Malaysian government (LHDN) to participate in the e-invoice pilot program, which we are considering It is important to note that no detailed requirements have yet been published. Also, the final MY Peppol (PINT) specifications will only be released in February 2024.