Improving the impact of existing investments in technology is vital. Especially with increasing spending on automation, it’s necessary to have a clear pathway towards usefulness and a positive ROI. The power of Tungsten Automation platforms already provides companies with a rock-solid foundation for the fundamental transformation of workflow automation. With the latest additions and arrivals on the Tungsten Marketplace, organizations can access even more ways to enhance their investment.
The Tungsten Marketplace is a central hub for experts and developers who are well-versed in our solutions. Here, contributors provide paid and free solutions corresponding to typical business and technology needs. From making better connections to empowering your teams with brand new functionalities, Marketplace solutions offer an excellent ROI and a shorter timeline towards success.
Today, we highlight five of the most promising new arrivals to the Marketplace listings. Here’s what to know about the capabilities and support you could bring to your organization.
Solution #1: The PSIcapture Connector to Google Vision
Accurately capturing information from documents is essential. While optical character recognition may work well with most printed texts, it can struggle with specific fonts, formats and other factors. Likewise, handwritten text often presents a challenge and may require extensive corrections. Such tasks take time and slow down workflows. Today, you can rely on advanced image recognition AI to support these workflows.
PSIcapture connector by the independent Tungsten Labs lets you integrate Google Vision API functionality into other automated workflows. This connector streamlines sharing image data over a secure API to the Google Vision AI. Google’s tool then returns a complete copy of the extracted text. Afterward, you can modify or parse this data according to your needs.
This solution is free of charge, letting you quickly and affordably integrate a potentially key feature.
Solution #2: The Docspro Import Controller
Effective document processing is essential to ensure the reliable flow of information across your organization. Without it, teams might be left in the dark. Different versions of documents might get mixed together. Technological restrictions or poor processes sometimes mean engaging in wasteful practices, such as printing a PDF only to scan it again.
Docspro Import Controller, a module for Tungsten Capture, aims to help simplify that management process. You can configure this solution to monitor and read from specific network folders. When certain files hit that folder or a sub-folder, the controller collects the file and automatically transfers it into the Tungsten Capture workflow. There, you can complete additional work on the documents. You don’t require scripting, and there is no need to scan documents continuously in your digital ecosystem.
Solution #3: The TrombaAI TotalAgility SaaS
Getting started with advanced workflow automation can be daunting for many companies. Automation could have clear benefits for your business, but various roadblocks prevent you from unlocking those benefits. For companies that need an accelerated timeline toward advanced automation, the TrombaAI TotalAgility SaaS is a robust option.
TrombaAI offers turnkey automation solutions that combine Tungsten TotalAgility and Tungsten RPA with cloud-based AI. This software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform frees companies from the complexities of setting up and managing automation by providing a comprehensive solution from an experienced provider. Immediately access the benefits of interconnectivity, automated document processing, robotic process automation and more. You can even incorporate generative AI to give teams a human-like interface for asking questions and receiving answers.
TrombaAI also includes a wide range of ready-to-use solutions that organizations can request anytime. These solutions support processing insurance claims, safe customer onboarding, human resources processes, mailroom, and government applications. Learn more about the potential impact on the solution page.
Solution #4: QuickTemplate for TotalAgility
Keeping teams engaged in their workflow is vital for productivity. Anything that breaks the flow and requires someone to pivot to an entirely different system or workflow to complete a task hampers productivity. Yet, in many companies that rely on document templates, creating and configuring dynamic templates is easier said than done. A great deal of manual work is often involved, and templates can’t be drawn from all the information sources you might prefer.
QuickTemplate for TotalAgility solution by CDIT Inc. provides assistance. Design and build effective dynamic templates without leaving the TotalAgility workspace. Let end users configure templates and generate documents within or outside the TotalAgility processes. Flexible and customizable, you can accelerate work related to templates by slashing how long it takes to prepare and use them.
Solution #5: The Azure Blob Storage Connector for TotalAgility
The cloud is a powerful resource, especially with services such as Microsoft Azure. Businesses relying on Azure services may need to interact with blob storage or a specific storage system commonly used by cloud computing services. Uploading and reading from Azure blob storage can be tedious if you don’t have a suitable connector.
This Tungsten Labs-developed solution closes that gap by connecting TotalAgility processes and Tungsten RPA robots to Azure Blob Storage. This connector can transfer data to blob storage from various sources, from whole workflows to individual robots or web forms. This connector simplifies staying on top of your blob storage needs. It can create or delete containers, conduct read and update operations, list out files and much more.
As a link between your business processes and advanced Azure functionality, the value of this free connector is hard to beat.
Discover Advanced Solutions for Your Business Needs Today
From fresh opportunities to integrate advanced AI and computer vision to solutions that empower workers to simplify tasks, the Tungsten Marketplace has much to offer. Developers and teams contribute new solutions regularly—these five are just some of the latest. How might you apply some of these innovative solutions in your work? Learn more about these solutions today or explore other ways to use the Marketplace to enhance and extend the impact of your automation investments. Don’t forget to check back soon to see what else is new.